Welcome to Colorado Museums

Sixth Edition: $35.00 and ‘FREE shipping with AMAZON PRIME.’  Click anywhere on the book for details.

. . . an on-line guide to 355 + Museums

Each Colorado Museum displays a custom info-marker on a Google Map.  The marker includes a photo or video, phone number, address, FREE Admission or Admission Fees and link to the museum’s website.  You can also get directions from where you are . . . to your museum choice. 

Click on the Denver Firefighter’s Museum example and view live on a map.


Red Markers are Cities with 4+ Museums.

You’ll find red markers on several City and Region maps.  Each marker links to respective City maps.


SCFD Free Days

Scientific and Cultural Facilities are throughout the seven-county Denver metropolitan area of Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Broomfield, Denver, Douglas, and Jefferson counties.  View SCFD Free Day’s monthly calendar, video, and information.


Colorado Blue Star Museums

You can find a link to Blue Star Museums offering “active duty military families” FREE admission from Memorial Day through Labor Day.


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Enjoy over 500 vintage photos throughout our site

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Colorado Experience takes you through the history of the state’s original inhabitants: “the Utes.” Historians trace their origins from pre-colonial days and early interactions with American trappers and explorers through the escalating friction with new settlers and gold seekers, to their ultimate expulsion to reservations.

The first Ute reservations were established in the 1860’s, and today the question of land rights remains a topic of dispute for the Ute nation. Discover how the Utes’ legacy continues to impact Colorado today.

Colorado Experience

28:14 Minutes

“The Original Coloradans”

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Colorado Museums
X- 2165 Silver Plume school, 1894.
X-2214 New Windsor Hotel, Silver Plume, 1902-1910.
Augusta and Horace Tabor's house, 1931
Leadville pack train. Dirt street is busy with with men on horseback and hairy burros loaded with goods, 1880s.
A rail car, drawn by a two horse team, is carrying men, women, and children on the Fort Logan rail line - 1890-1900.
Early Breckenridge rocky main street with log buildings
Lamar- Citizens stand outside a commercial block that includes a bank, hardware, drugs & stationery and real estate, 1890
June 13 On the Denver, Boulder, Wester RR
X- 2165 Silver Plume school, 1894.
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